Monday, November 23, 2009


I took this a couple of weeks ago on the football field at Carleton College. Of course, it didn't look like this when I took it. Photoshop allows me to saturate, sharpen, and alter the original until it's something else. So what is it? It's mostly a picture, I'd say, but it has been dramaticized. I've heard that the real test should be fidelity to the truth expressed in the original, but that seems just about as subjective as 'whatever seems right.' I still like Google's informal slogan: "Don't be evil." I'll stick with that. It's hard to be evil when taking pictures of footballs.

In the beginning

I think I'll start blogging. About what? Who knows. Maybe politics. Maybe psychology. Maybe photography. Maybe all of the above. All I know is that once I blog, I become legitimate. Feels nice.